
"So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver" - 2 Cor. 9:7

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Church Building Project

We are on a transformative journey with the Church Building Project. More than just bricks and mortar, this is a reflection of our deepening faith and dedication. We dream of a sanctuary for our community to bond, flourish spiritually, and extend service.

We beckon each member to unite in bringing this vision to life. Your prayers, dedication, and financial support are precious. Each contribution, regardless of its magnitude, edges us closer to our collective aspiration. Hand in hand, let's establish a lasting symbol of faith and unity for future generations.

Give Offering and Tithe

Giving is more than a simple act; it is a powerful expression of love and a demonstration of faith. Your generosity serves as the lifeblood of our various ministries, allowing us to extend our reach both locally and globally.

Within the borders of Nigeria, we offer multiple local payment methods specifically designed for your convenience and security.

International Payments

If you are located outside of Nigeria, we are pleased to offer you a secure and convenient international payment options.

GTBank Logo

Account No: 0628663835

Account Name: Higher Ground Baptist Church